主題:【國際大師.Dr.Rebecca Fitzgerald】舒顏萃Sculptra教母親臨指導
Sculptra Advanced Injection Workshop
對於Sculptra產品的使用,#高德美公司 致力於醫師的培訓認證,為了給予顧客最安心、最高的滿意度✨
維格診所有幸接待國際級講師 Dr.Rebecca,並挑選已受過舒顏萃課程訓練、通過認證之醫師來參與此進階課程。大師一對一指導,針對不同亞洲人面部進行劑量評估及操作,相信維格,創造美感,教育唯一、安心第一✨
In order to give our customers the highest satisfaction and feel assured,Galderma devoted to training our physicians for Sculptra certification courses.
It’s a great honor for Vigor clinic to receive the world-renowned expert, Dr. Rebecca Fitzgerald to attend our advanced course and we also invite some physicians with SCUPLTRA course training to join us.
During this meeting we have one-on-one face-to-face guidance about assessment and operation for different Asian faces.
We still believe only through continuous training that customers would get peace of mind guarantee form Vigor clinic.
In that way,we can promise to our customers generously, you can keep beauty and young by Vigor, just believe it
#維格醫美 #高德美 #Sculptra #教育至上 #安心專業